It's Here... It's Here.... the moment we've all been waiting for! Today is THEE day that the new movie TWILIGHT comes out! I have been waiting anxiously for 2-3 months for this movie! Ive been keeping up with Stephanie Meyer's website, I have pictures on my phone, folders, cork board, I read all 4 books in the month of August.... I am a Twilight Fan! Is it that obvious? I have my ticket now... Mom just went down to the movie theater to pick them up. The lines are gonna be coming soon, we have someone there on watch to let us know what kind of strategy we need to use to get the best seats in the house! We are all sinqronized with countdowns, watches, cell phone numbers, the works! We are a crazy pack of Twilight Fanatics! I can not wait for 12:01 am!
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